NYLP: Welcome to the New York Launch Pod. The award winning podcast on new startups, businesses, and openings in the New York City area. I’m Hal Coopersmith, and in this episode we’re talking all about the chocolate covered pretzel with Brooklyn based startup, Fatty Sundays. Two sisters, Ali Borowick and Lauren Borowick have changed the game in tasty treats. Here’s Ali.
Ali: If you taste them, they taste different and better than the other chocolate covered pretzels out there. Period. End of story. That’s just what makes them different, and I think they look different, the packaging. We spend a lot of time kind of refining the packaging and making it stand out. It’s special and different.
NYLP: But in addition to using delicious pretzels, high quality chocolate, and attractive packaging, the sisters have also thought about the design of their product in a different way. Here’s Lauren.
Lauren: It has a handle, which is the best part. Your fingers don’t get dirty while you’re eating it, because there’s nothing worse than melting chocolate and toppings all over your hand.
NYLP: In this episode, we’ll talk about how the sisters grew their company from their own kitchen to the Union Square Holiday Market, and now have it in national distribution. We’ll even talk about what it’s like for them to be in business together as sisters, and a whole lot more. So let’s go to the interview.
Stepping onto the Launch Pod, we have Ali Borowick and Lauren Borowick. They have the same last name because they’re sisters. And they’re the co-founders of Fatty Sundays. Welcome, Lauren and Ali.
Ali: Thank you.
Lauren: Thanks for having us. I’m Lauren.
Ali: I’m Ali.
NYLP: Well, you started a chocolate covered pretzel company called Fatty Sundays. Can you tell us a little bit more about that?
Ali: So, we’re sisters. We started a chocolate covered pretzel company called Fatty Sundays, we do all gourmet, fun flavored, chocolate covered pretzels. This was all inspired by our mom, Karen. The OG fatty, we like to call her. She used to make us sprinkle pretzels growing up, she was an amazing baker, made us lots of different treats. She was like the queen of care packages, even through college and currently. She’ll make you a care package if you want. So, she was the inspiration behind it. We had this crazy idea to come up with all these different flavors of chocolate covered pretzels. We were looking around going, wait. We didn’t invent chocolate covered pretzels but there’s definitely this missing piece to the puzzle of good tasting, good looking, well packaged chocolate covered pretzels. So this was an idea that our family had.
Can’t really pinpoint when we had the idea, but we had this idea. I was working as a graphic designer at the time, Lauren was in college, supposed to be an accountant. And after lots of testing, thinking, researching, sampling, trying everything, we came up with Fatty Sundays, which wasn’t the name at the time.
Lauren: The inspiration behind the name is, when we were growing up it was always, everything in moderation, have your dinner and then you can have your dessert after of course. But we used to joke that Sundays were Fatty Sundays, because it was our day to indulge and eat whatever we wanted. And we used to go to our local frozen yogurt shop and get just the yogurt, and come home because our mom, being the amazing baker that she is, had this whole pantry full of all different fun toppings, and sprinkles and chocolate and candy, and things like that. And that’s where our love of toppings came from.
NYLP: And every day is the day for Fatty Sundays now, because you have your own business. How did you decide this was going to be our business?
Ali: Before we got into it, we spent a lot of time working on the idea. Probably a good year and a half. Everyone who we would talk to we’d give a pretzel sample to. Anyone that would open their mouth practically we were like, do you want to try this idea that we had? So that was the start of it, anything after some time, we were realizing that people were like wow, these are amazing. This is awesome. You’ve got to do this, and I decided I was going to leave my job and also do freelance, Lauren deferred her job from and–
Lauren: Six years later. Here we are.
Ali: Moved home, and here we are. We just set out, and we were like, we’re doing this. We knew. We knew we were onto something, and you’ve just got to go for it really.
NYLP: Six years. Unbelievable. We’ll certainly talk about that journey, but let’s go to the start. Which is, how did you come up with the recipes originally? You’re working with your mom’s recipes, and then where do you go from there?
Lauren: Yeah, she, like Ali said, always would make us the sprinkle pretzels growing up. Once we had the idea to run with this idea, we knew we needed more flavors and really were just testing and had a lot of good ones, a lot of not so good ones along the way. And we are just taking really good quality chocolate gourmet toppings, and making the best of all worlds.
Ali: Before we started going, we did have a sampling party with … there was 50 or 60 people there. Where we showcased 20 different flavors that we had at the time. Broke them up into little pieces, made surveys, made everyone try every flavor and rate every flavor and that was our first real test into seeing what people liked, what people didn’t. That was the start of it. From there we launched with 12, 15–
Lauren: No, it was like 18 flavors. It was a lot.
Ali: Yeah, we had a lot of flavors, and as time went on, I was like, oh no, no one’s buying this, they don’t like it. So we nixed it, or we had these other ideas. The early years, it was more flavors, then less flavors, and it was just based on people’s reaction. Now it’s a whole process when we try to come up with new flavors, and it’s a big undertaking.
NYLP: Yeah, what’s that process like?
Ali: We’ll all brainstorm a bunch of ideas. We did this last holiday season, so we have a small team obviously now that we work with.
Lauren: We can’t do it all ourselves.
Ali: Yes.
NYLP: You don’t do it all yourselves.
Lauren: No, we tried. We can’t.
Ali: We can’t.
Lauren: But we’ve got an amazing team that helps with every aspect.
NYLP: How big is the team?
Lauren: We’re just about 10 people right now.
NYLP: 10 people full time.
Lauren: 10 people full time, split between our production crew, and in the office helping with customer service, sales, demos, all that kind of good stuff.
Ali: So, this past season we came up with a bunch of new ideas at … actually we also did an email, we did a survey. Not a survey, we had people email us what flavor do you want, we sent out a discount I think. What flavor do you want to see next, we got a bunch of ideas. Put them all together, thought about how we’d execute each one. Then we brought in our production manager. He tested probably–
Lauren: 10 of them.
Ali: 10 of the flavors.
Lauren: Good variety.
Ali: And then we weaned it down. And he tried another round. Made the list smaller and we ended up with cinnamon sugar and peanut butter this season. But it’s, more of, what’ll look great, taste amazing, and what can we product en masse.
Lauren: We have a semi-automated production system now, so it’s no longer out of mom’s kitchen, or out of a shared space. It is our own facility. So we have to take into consideration the process behind it, and we’ve had a lot of crazy requests by people for lots of other flavors. But we choose them based on what we know will taste great, people will love, and from an efficiency standpoint, make it happen.
NYLP: What’s been a crazy request?
Ali: Bacon–
Lauren: We are Kosher, so we will never have that, unfortunately.
Ali: Matcha–
Lauren: Matcha’s a great one.
Ali: I know it’s not crazy but, it’s funny, there’s so many delicious flavors and combinations you can think of, but then you have to think on a chocolate covered pretzel. So, it changes things. You can’t just put anything on a chocolate covered pretzels, you can put a lot of things, but we’re also trying to do them differently.
NYLP: And why chocolate covered pretzels?
Lauren: Why not chocolate covered pretzels? It really, it was a staple growing up. Our mom always made them, it’s something–
Ali: Everyone loves.
Lauren: Yeah. We have no formal culinary background, baking, cooking. We’ve created this impressive kitchen space production team, helping us along the way, but why not pretzels? It’s everyone’s favorite treat, we’re just taking it to a new level.
NYLP: Well you certainly are and why do you think chocolate covered pretzels works? As a treat?
Lauren: Sweet and salty.
NYLP: Sweet and salty. That’s the recipe.
Ali: Because we use the pretzels that we use, you can try different flavors. It’s not a huge one.
Lauren: It has a handle. Which is the best part. So your fingers don’t get dirty while you’re eating it, because there’s nothing worse than melting chocolate and toppings all over your hand.
NYLP: That was smart, how did you come up with that?
Ali: Our mom used to always make them like that, so I think that’s just what we were used to. And as we kind of got into this, and we had the handle, and we were like anyways, this makes total sense because sometimes it twists, there’s chocolate everywhere. You start eating it, and your hand gets all messy by the end. Just not fun.
NYLP: And what type of ingredients are you using in the pretzel? You mentioned the chocolate is high quality chocolate, but what are you doing for the pretzel?
Lauren: Yeah, we actually don’t make the pretzels ourselves. Someone else has perfected that. And we let them do their thing. So we don’t actually bake anything but that’s where the fun part comes in, because we take the toppings, we decide milk, white, or dark chocolate, and the combinations and that’s where all the excitement comes from.
NYLP: And do you make the chocolate?
Lauren: No. We don’t.
Ali: We temper the chocolate.
Lauren: We’ve got a small facility. Like I said, it’s kind of a semi-automated process. So the machinery that we’re using has been customized to work with our process. It was at one point all done by hand, but we’ve grown from there.
NYLP: And where are the pretzels made?
Lauren: In Brooklyn, New York. We are in South Williamsburg, where Bushwick meets Bed-Stuy meets Williamsburg. The old industrial area over there.
NYLP: And how many pretzels are you making in a day?
Lauren: Several thousand.
NYLP: Several thousand.
Lauren: Yeah. Our boxes come in different sizes, so the number of boxes produced obviously is different, just because we’ve got smaller boxes, larger gift boxes, but…
Ali: Custom. Two, five.
Lauren: Yeah, lots of options. Several thousand, and in the busier time of year it’s–
Ali: More.
Lauren: We’re not slowing down. So.
NYLP: So you’ve perfected the recipe. Perfected the taste. Let’s go back a little bit in terms of how you started. You have this idea. You decide, we’re going to do this full time. How did you first get in stores? How did you first get distribution, how did you first get customers?
Lauren: We sat down the week after I graduated from Cornell, we sat down, we said we’re going to start. I remember we sat in Ali’s apartment. Just started cold calling places.
Ali: Walking in. Anyone who would try them, will you hold them on consignment, will you sell them.
Lauren: We also started at smaller local markets, like farmers markets, outdoor gift markets, things like that.
Ali: You’ve just got to start.
Lauren: You’ve got to ask. Can’t get what you don’t ask for.
NYLP: Right. And so people were trying them. And then when did you really start to see them take hold?
Ali: So I think it was … that summer, we started selling, built a website. Our first holiday season, December 2012. We hadn’t really heard of the Union Square Holiday Market, but discovered it, heard it was extremely difficult to get into. And we were like, you know what, we’ve got nothing to lose. Let’s try. Then we read the application and learn that it’s A, extremely expensive. B, there’s little to no availability from season to season. And C, if you get accepted, you have to put the deposit down and you can’t get it back. You have to do it. So, we at first, I feel like we just looked at each other and were like, we should do this but how can we do this?
Then we went to our parents, who were like, Union Square Holiday Market. No, you’re not doing that, how are you going to do that?
Lauren: How are you going to pay for it.
Ali: There’s thousands of people, how are you going to pay for it. Thousands of dollars. So we said you know what, we’re going to do a Kickstarter for the Union Square Holiday Market, which we did, and we spent days planning this video and telling everyone the story of Fatty Sundays. We got it filmed, and we ended up raising just over $10,000 for the booth. The gift to everyone for their donations was obviously pretzels. That was a way for us to start getting pretzels out there. And we had a big sign in our booth with everyone’s information that donated. So it was like, come see us at the market! And it was awesome, it was like, holy cow we just raised all this money, we got accepted, which was incredible. And that was our first, I feel, introduction to New York. You were asking how we kind of got started in a bigger way, and I feel like that was the first step.
Lauren: It was like the Fatty Sundays debut to not just friends and family anymore. It was the public, our first step.
NYLP: How many pretzels did you sell that first holiday season?
Lauren: I could tell you, we were working out of a shared kitchen space in Queens at the time. And going, the market would be open from 11 am to–
Ali: It was the craziest five weeks ever.
Lauren: Yeah. Like 11 to 8, but our shift there would be from 4 to midnight, so one of us would at the market and go straight to the kitchen, one of us would be at the kitchen, and it was just around the clock. Making everything by hand. It was well worth our while, which is why we kept coming back and people were super excited and buying tons of pretzels. But, there was different packaging at the time, it was a great learning experience, and really helped us to grow from there.
Ali: It was exciting, because no one–
Lauren: It was awesome.
Ali: –knew about us, and so everyone who came to the market, and on the weekends, it’s insane. We were just, I feel like we were so excited to just be like, meet Fatty Sundays.
Lauren: And that’s where our dad, who’s also a very integral part of Fatty Sundays, also made his debut as our number one salesperson. He would help us all the time on the weekends there, I remember the first Saturday of the market he was watching from a distance, we didn’t realize he was there and he came over and told us to just, move aside, get out of the booth. Just let me do my thing. And he is the number 1 salesperson, helping everyone with samples, and super excited, such a great supporter. But yeah, it’s all in family business. Which is cool.
NYLP: So you two are sisters, how involved are mom and dad in the business now?
Lauren: Our mom and dad now are still very much involved in the overall understanding of … they’re not in the nitty gritty day to day, they know where we are in terms of projects we’re working on, upcoming events, things like that. Our dad is someone we definitely turn to for business insight, business advice. Our mom more so for, she helps us with flavor ideas. Reads our newsletters the second they go out, always gives us her feedback. All that mom support, in that way. We do also have an older sister who’s a lawyer out in Colorado that we are still working very hard to recruit to bring her in full time, but for now she’s our out of state legal counsel.
Ali: Helps behind the scenes.
Lauren: Parents are still, they’re in it. They’re not day-to-day but our dad is still, he’s at the trade shows, he’s traveling with us to trade shows, helping at the market. But our mom also, last holiday season, someone was out sick from the holiday market booth. She was running the register.
NYLP: So, the holiday market was your debut. And you’re working around the clock. Where did you go from there?
Lauren: Summer time in 2013, that we moved into our space now. So we looked at that holiday market, saw the success that we had there and realized that we couldn’t keep operating in the way that we were, and grow in the way that we were, working out of a shared space. Also from Ali’s apartment and our parent’s house. So we found the space in Brooklyn and built out an office and a kitchen there. When we started there, it was still everything by hand, but it was our own facility. And then we’ve been there now for five years and every step of the way we’ve grown, and–
Ali: We just went out to stores, to building our website. You’ve just got to sell.
NYLP: And food is a very competitive environment. Everyone thinks that they have something that’s wonderful, and they do, but what do you think made your Fatty Sundays something that gets sold, and gets widely distributed?
Ali: It’s different. I mean, obviously we’ve studied the chocolate covered pretzel industry and snack industry. It’s all we do.
NYLP: Studied it.
Ali: Studied. Just between the quality of the ingredients, the combination of ingredients and flavors, the packaging. The presentation. Everything is different than what is out there in the chocolate covered pretzel world. And that is what makes the product so strong, and gets people excited. Then there’s also, I know so many people have heard about the story and kind of been following along, and it’s been a true family … started as a family business, and it’s been a labor of love, and it’s been a rollercoaster, and it’s amazing. People in Japan and Hawaii and Kansas and any state in America have tried Fatty Sundays, so they’re different. They’re quality, and we pride ourselves on amazing customer service, and being an honest, good company, we’re not looking to disappear tomorrow and be this trendy thing in New York. I think we just are delivering what we say we’re going to deliver. So it stands out that way.
NYLP: And Ali, you keep on using the word different. Can you talk a little bit more about how they are different?
Ali: If you taste them, they taste different and better than the other chocolate covered pretzels out there. Period. End of story. That’s just what makes them different, and I think they look different, the packaging. We spend a lot of time kind of refining the packaging and making it stand out. It’s special and different.
NYLP: Well, I’m glad you brought up the packaging because the branding is certainly wonderful. What were you thinking about in terms of the branding? Because your Instagram is beautiful, the packaging is beautiful. Did you set out and say, we really want to make an emphasis on branding?
Ali: Personally, I have a graphic design background, so that stuff always stood out to me. But we definitely made a point to differentiate our product with packaging that looks good and makes people smile and stands out on the shelf as much as we could. There is so much packaging out there, and there are so many things on the shelves. But, we’ve definitely made it a priority to make sure our product not only tastes good but looks really good, and the branding is something that is familiar and accessible, and kind of goes along with the name. Fatty Sundays, everyone has their day to treat themselves. We wanted the packaging and product to really speak to people in a classic, yum! Everyone loves chocolate covered pretzels, and oh, this is so cute! And it’s relatable, and it’s comfortable, and it’s new looking and tasting but it’s still your favorite chocolate covered pretzels. So, we had to really make sure that people across the country, like before we were sold in all different states. We want people to get it when they’re just looking at us on Instagram or on our website, and obviously want to try them from that.
NYLP: Seems like you also focus on holidays and events. Can you talk a little bit more about that?
Lauren: Yeah, we do a ton of customizing of the boxes, so we make it really special for events and parties. You could put your logo on there, special message. You can do that with our gift boxes, also. Definitely really popular around the holiday times, for New Years and Christmas and Chanukah. But we do a ton of weddings, whether it’s for bridal showers or wedding favors themselves. Hotel bags. A ton of birthday parties, corporate events, corporate retreats. All that good stuff. Make them really special with a label or customize the sprinkle colors which is always fun. To match the logo, we can match almost any color, which is pretty cool.
NYLP: Who is your target audience?
Ali: Our demographic is really pretty wide, because I think everyone needs gifts, everyone needs treats. Moms, and middle aged women, and college girls are actually our number one shoppers. Those two groups. But otherwise it’s pretty wide.
NYLP: And what are you doing to relate to your target audience? Because that’s a pretty wide audience, as you mentioned.
Ali: Yes. So our moms, I guess–
Lauren: Ali’s recently a mom, so she fits right into that demographic.
Ali: Yes, right. So, our moms, they always need gifts, a lot are sending to their kids in college, gifts for friends. Just treats for themselves. So we’re, in terms of focusing on them we target them on Facebook and things like that. And college girls as well, I think most of them are on Instagram. The moms are definitely reading our newsletters. The college girls are definitely looking on Instagram, and they’re sending their best friends gifts. They’re sending I miss you. They’re sending–
Lauren: Boys suck, sorry for your breakup, all that sort of gifting things.
Ali: Yeah, so. We definitely focus on those two markets, but again, everyone in between is a Fatty Sundays customer.
NYLP: And back to the design, I was told to ask this question. How do you get an ombre pretzel?
Ali: It is kind of top secret. But.
NYLP: Top secret.
Ali: But it has to do with the sprinkles.
Lauren: Application.
Ali: The application, yes. It has to do with the sprinkle application, we’ll leave it at that. But it is really beautiful and very labor intensive, but totally worth it if you’re looking for that style pretzel.
NYLP: And we talked about this, the wide audience. But you have an online store, and you’re widely distributed. How did you get that wide distribution from going to stores and saying, can you sell this on consignment, or here, you should try this. Now you’re widely distributed.
Lauren: Yep. When we first started, it was a lot of cold calling, walking into our favorite local shops. Chatting with them, seeing if they’ll, like you said, take it on consignment or start with just a few boxes. But as we’ve grown, we’ve done a ton of trade shows as well, so we go to the Fancy Food Show here in New York. Other shows across the country really, that’s where we meet a lot of out-of-state store owners and buyers. A lot of people, just whether it’s through social media or our newsletters, or word of mouth.
Ali: Google.
Lauren: Google, Facebook, all that. They’re finding us, which is really cool. And they’re inquiring, they’ve got a store, they’ve got gift boxes together, things like that. We also do work with sales reps, a sales force, so it’s been slow and steady. And just organic and really just growing. Which is pretty exciting.
NYLP: Well it’s been slow and steady, but after six years, you’re doing very well. Can you talk a little bit more in terms of, it was the two of you getting started, and you were doing things by hand. What was it like getting that first employee on board, and then getting machinery and automation and your growth in general.
Ali: It’s super exciting. It’s so fun, and we love bringing people into what we call our Fatty Sundays family. I think it was the first couple of years, we had a handful of people, everything was done by hand. It was long days, long nights. There’s definitely harder days, amazing days, everything in between. But we wouldn’t be able to do this without an awesome team, so it kind of just started with one person, then two people and three people. And it’s gone in waves, and kind of changes. But it’s great. And then with the automation, we started everything by hand, and at a certain point we realized this was not feasible to continue like this. So we did a lot of research, kind of shopping if you will for machines. Kind of figured out what would best suit our needs, and then customized it because we’re making chocolate covered pretzels slightly differently than the rest of the world makes chocolate covered pretzels, which is what makes them unique, with the handle and the toppings that we use, and everything.
So we had to find machinery that suited us, and one piece at a time. My father-in-law also has been extremely helpful, and he’s an engineer so he’s been able to help us.
Lauren: Real guidance. He understands all the mechanics behind it, which I’m slowly starting to learn that.
NYLP: What was it like taking on that first space?
Lauren: That was also a learning experience. We actually are in the old Pfizer building, so it’s really cool, expansive building that we had to build out. There wasn’t a kitchen there before, so we found a space that worked for us that has an office and a kitchen attached to it.
Ali: We had to renovate the whole thing. It was just like a cement box when we got there.
Lauren: But this was still … it was in 2013, and all of the industrial factory life as we call it was still very new to us. So, I just joke now, looking back, good thing our door is wide enough for a pallet jack because that’s not something that even crossed my mind in the beginning. But we’re responsible for that space, we built it out with no experience really. So it was a cool process.
NYLP: How much did it cost to build up that space? And all your equipment?
Ali: A lot.
Lauren: Yeah. I don’t have the exact number, but it was quite the investment. But again, well worth it. We are mindful of those things. We get what we need, and we make it work, and once that process is exhausted, that’s when we go on to the next.
NYLP: Did you get outside investment?
Lauren: No, it’s all on the family.
NYLP: All on the family, very impressive. And how much do the pretzels cost?
Lauren: Our standard three pack boxes are $3.49. We ship all over the country from our website. And then we’ve got gift boxes, those range anywhere from $14.95 up to, if you’re looking for something larger–
Ali: $99.95.
Lauren: Yeah.
NYLP: That’s a lot of pretzels for $100.
Ali: A lot of pretzels. But not enough.
Lauren: Never enough.
NYLP: Never enough. What are your plans to expand?
Lauren: We have got an exciting few months ahead of us. This is going to be our busiest holiday season yet. We’ve got a few markets on the radar that we’re hoping to pop up in the end of 2018.
Ali: We’re continuing to, every season we’ll come out with a new flavor or two, sort of building on our current line.
Lauren: If you have any suggestions, let us know.
NYLP: Well, I love the pretzels. And I’ll certainly think of some suggestions but I wanted to know a little bit more what it’s like working as sisters together.
Lauren: It’s magical.
Ali: It’s magical. No. It’s awesome, there’s no one else I’d rather work with. The truth is you can’t– no, seriously, you can’t trust anyone like you can trust family. At least in our family, we’re very close. And it’s been awesome. We– Lauren and I–
Lauren: Ali and I–
Lauren and Ali: Jinx!
Lauren: Can’t make these things up. We have very different skill sets. Ali is definitely much more creative, left side brain is always working, and I’m much more analytical and have an accounting background in business aspects and logistics, that sort of thing. So I think that has helped us.
Ali: Literally from day one, it was like … well, I guess the first year we overlapped on lots of things, because we didn’t really know what was happening. And then we figured out that we should just both do what we’re really good at. And then it works better. So, since then we kind of have our focuses. And of course we’ve both overlapped in lots of ways as we’ve gotten bigger, but the truth is, I’d rather work with family than not. And now we have an extended family, and really, every day is different. So it’s been … like all siblings we’ve had our moments, but overall, we work really well together, and I think mostly because we both have different sets of skills that we’re good at, and we make it work together.
NYLP: Well, it is amazing, and you two are obviously great together. And you’re partners, is there an older sister, younger sister dynamic that you just can’t escape?
Ali: So I–
Lauren: I like to remind everyone that I’m the younger one.
Ali: Right. And people always ask if we’re twins, and I love that because that means we would be the same age. But I’m a couple of years older.
Lauren: I’m six years younger. Yeah, I guess that dynamic is still there.
Ali: I’m like the old lady in our office, though. So I pretend I’m younger than I am.
NYLP: And I want to ask this question, because the food business, as I’m sure you know, is a tricky one. But how do you prevent yourself from being a trend? Like there was a big cupcake trend, and I know Magnolia Bakery is expanding, but Crumbs collapsed. How do you say, you know what, chocolate covered pretzels will always be around.
Lauren: I don’t think it’s a question of if chocolate covered pretzels are the trend, we didn’t invent the chocolate covered pretzel, we’ve reinvented it. So it’s been here, it’s not going anywhere. But it’s Fatty Sundays that’s also not going anywhere. And that is really just … we’ve built this brand, we’ve got a loyal following, and we’ve worked hard to achieve that. And I think that’s the basis of being not short-lived–
Ali: Long lasting.
Lauren: Exactly. And customer service, we’ve got an amazing team helping us out with that. And a guiding force behind it, and our customers, they’re never disappointed. So we always deliver, and that’s how we’re going to stay around. The pretzels are delicious, everyone loves them. What could be bad?
NYLP: Never disappointed. I am certainly never disappointed. And that is a wonderful note to end things on. How do people find out more about you two, Fatty Sundays, and where to get Fatty Sundays?
Lauren: Definitely check out our website, FattySundays.com. And follow along on social media, @FattySundays.
Ali: Instagram. @FattySundays.
NYLP: And where can I buy them?
Lauren: We are sold in retailers across the country, you can always find a list on our website, and that’s always expanding so if anyone has suggestions, please let us know, but otherwise, directly on our website. We ship everything out of Brooklyn.
NYLP: Ali Borowick, Lauren Borowick. You are a wonderful sister duo. Thank you for you stepping onto the New York Launch Pod and sharing your time with us.
Lauren: Thanks for having us.
Ali: Of course. Thank you.
NYLP: And if you want to learn more about the New York Launch Pod, you can visit us at NYLaunchPod.com for transcripts of every episode, including this one, and if you want to follow us on social media you can so @NYLaunchPod. And if you are a super fan of the show, you can leave a review on iTunes and Apple Podcast. It does help people discover the show, and it is greatly appreciated.