The goal of the New York Launch Pod is to provide an informative and entertaining forum about entrepreneurship in and around New York City. New York provides a unique set of opportunities and challenges for businesses which this podcast seeks to explore with its guests.
It takes a certain type of person to be an entrepreneur – someone who not only has a dream, but is willing to take the risk to execute it, as well as the perseverance to see it through. It’s definitely not a path for the faint-hearted. Yet, for those who take the plunge, the rewards can be immense – not simply in financial terms, but also in the satisfaction that comes from creating something from scratch and seeing it grow into a successful enterprise.
There are other podcasts about business and entrepreneurship, but none with a specific focus on New York. It is my belief that there has never been a better time to start a business and my hope is that this site and this podcast can become an essential resource to help business owners succeed in the current environment.
My own personal journey of this podcast and blog starts with this post. I hope you will enjoy listening and welcome your feedback and any suggestions you may have.